TSF Project: To promote the technical competency of Hong Kong precision mould and plastic component manufacturing industry

Federation of Hong Kong Industries is glad to have successfully obtained funding from the "Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund" of the Trade and Industry Department to launch a 2-year project named "To promote the technical competency of Hong Kong precision mould and plastic component manufacturing industry in international arena". "Hong Kong Pavilion" will be established under this project to facilitate business matching in CHINAPLAS and Fakuma in Germany to demonstrate and promote Hong Kong manufacturers’ capability and competitive advantages in precision mould and plastic part manufacturing industry. Manufacturers from Hong Kong mould and plastic part are welcome to join the two exhibitions through this project.


Dissemination Seminar 

Click here for Speakers' Powerpoint (Chinese Version only)


Briefing Session

Click here for the Summary

Click here for PowerPoint (Chinese version only)

Click here for Project Promotion Video



Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.