Visit to the Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

On 18 August 2023 (Friday), FHKI Group 14 (Hong Kong Mould & Die Council) organised a visit to the Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This engaging excursion was attended by over 20 of our members.

The highlight of the visit was a guided tour of the newly inaugurated Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab, which opened its doors in April 2023. Participants also had the opportunity to explore the 3D Printing Research Centre, delve into Surface Engineering, experience the VR Corner – Cave, and familiarise themselves with the Material Processing Workshop and Material Testing facilities.

This insightful visit provided our members with a comprehensive overview of current advancements in industrial technology and intelligent applications. It was a unique opportunity to inspire our members to explore innovative potential in the mould and die industry, fostering further growth and development within the sector.